Hi folks At the moment I am working on a CodeLite Project File Generator and Source Code Access Plugin for Unreal Engine 4. Thx to CodeLite I am able to work either on GNU/Linux, MacOSX or Windows (CodeLite supports even more development platforms but not UE4 :D). The modified version of UBT will just create the workspace and project files you need for your specific platform. Features: Creates Workspace/Projects for Platforms/Targets with their configurations. CodeLite itself is cross platform. The modified version of UBT will create your project files for GNU/Linux, Mac and Windows platforms. Start your game project within CodeLite in the Editor target. Source Code Access within UE4Editor using the Plugin. Added Custom Build Targets for "Cooking"/"Non Cooking" and "Cooking on the fly". Means you can cook your project easy withing the CodeLite editor. Just select one of those 3 submenus Game projects will have two targets Game and Editor. ...
All about Using, Programming the Unreal Engine 4 on Linux.